Twingo In The PM
Twingo In The PM Details
Bingo Session 75 Ball Variant
Status Completed
Start Time 10/06/24 18:00:00
Price 125.00
Total Game Sets Unlimited
Sets per Purchase 1
Max Sets per Player 5
Purchase Cards No
Total Prize 129,375.00
Total Awarded 129,375.00
Duration 01:20:21
Description Twingo in the PM - Generator Choose's your Twingo numbers. . First person to get all numbers out wins- Will enter #s as called until winner. Splits to profiles. Rds based on total buy in. No Refunds
Winner Info
Round 1: yvonneboelsma, rileysnanna6, babybunny2012
Round 2: lisa52
Round 3: NOLAB, irishrose58
Round 4: jillybabe
Round 5: diamond58
Round 6: itsjustnotcricket
Round 7: tlasure02
Round 8: wilda55
Round 9: martina5454, longpoint
Round 10: tlasure02
Round 11: sherie09
Round 12: albertine
Bingo GameIds
Round 1: 22872153
Round 2: 22872179
Round 3: 22872207
Round 4: 22872231
Round 5: 22872257
Round 6: 22872289
Round 7: 22872319
Round 8: 22872351
Round 9: 22872384
Round 10: 22872412
Round 11: 22872435
Round 12: 22872467