Lotto Barrel
Lotto Barrel Details
Bingo Session 75 Ball USA
Status Completed
Start Time 10/05/24 21:00:00
Price 100.00
Total Game Sets Unlimited
Sets per Purchase 1
Max Sets per Player 5
Purchase Cards No
Total Prize 110,200.00
Total Awarded 110,200.00
Duration 01:05:44
Description Lotto Barrel Generator picks your lotto numbers. Will enter numbers as called until we have a winner/winners Rounds based on total buy in splits to profiles no refunds Good Luck
Winner Info
Round 1: sherie09
Round 2: MemawD
Round 3: ohkimmy
Round 4: snoopysnoopy
Round 5: brerup
Round 6: xXmidgetXx
Round 7: buck54
Round 8: Kissy1960, loganfost
Round 9: sherryfielding, oldlady2323, chelstar
Round 10: lucksac_61
Bingo GameIds
Round 1: 22866640
Round 2: 22866667
Round 3: 22866683
Round 4: 22866714
Round 5: 22866741
Round 6: 22866771
Round 7: 22866799
Round 8: 22866832
Round 9: 22866857
Round 10: 22866892